- What print adverts were used to advertise the game? Find examples and post them on your blog.
- What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the example you have chosen? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour?
- Find three reviews for your game that were originally published in videogame magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.
- Did your game feature on any videogame magazine front covers? Find examples and explain why a front cover feature is so successful in promoting a game to its target audience.
- Did your chosen game use a TV advert to promote the game? Embed it from YouTube if it did.
- Is there a game trailer on YouTube? Embed it on your blog and explain why it is effective in promoting the game to its target audience.
- Can you find any other broadcast features on the game - interviews, launch party events, video reviews, clips of the gameplay on YouTube etc. Write about how they effectively promote the game to its target audience.
- Visit your chosen game's official website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of its target audience?
- Are there any creative or interesting aspects to the game's official website?
- Does the game have a YouTube channel?
- Can you find any examples of user-generated content on YouTube that players have created and uploaded from the game? Embed any examples on your blog.
- How does user-generated content such as gameplay videos help to promote the game?
- How many 'likes' has your chosen game's Facebook wall had?
- Choose five of the posts on the Facebook page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the game's target audience.
- What is your chosen game's Twitter hashtag?
- How did the campaign use Twitter to promote the game?
- Can you find any other creative uses of e-media to promote the game? This might include hashtags, competitions, Instagram, user-generated campaigns or anything else that is designed to draw attention to the game.
Advertisement used for this game involving print ads was:
- game release posters in shops such as Game, HMV, GameStation, GameStop etc
- Newspapers releasing reviews and quotes on the game
The product name for my personal case study is Need For Speed Rivals, the font used for the game is a basic font but the letters are in capitals and the font colour is blue with a strip of red, the slogan for the game is "I've made my choices, now you make yours." The central image for the game is a red Ferrari and a Corvette cop car and the colour scheme used for the game cover image is blue, red, white and black.
The official XBOX magazine review on Need For Speed Rivals said that this game could've easily taken a wrong turn but Rivals passes inspection on Xbox One with flying colors. Also the official Gamestop magazine give the game an 8 as it is great because Need for Speed: Rivals is very much in the tradition of Hot Pursuit, but that great, familiar gameplay has been infused with enough new elements to make it as thrilling here as it's ever been. However the official Playstation magazine says otherwise as Need For Speed Rivals feels like something you’ve played before.
No, the game has not been on the front cover of any video game magazines as GTA 5 was being release that time and that was big news for everyone so that game would have been on the cover for almost all game magazines.
The game for my case study did have a TV commercial :
The game trailer for Need For Speed Rivals is effective in promoting the game as in the trailer they introduce the next-gen graphics for the first time in the gaming world, they introduce the power-ups available for e.g. nitros, shock field etc and they also show a review from Hardcore Gamer.
Other broadcast features such as gameplay of the game and video reviews as they promote the game to the target audience by giving their personal opinion on it whether it is good or bad and since this game would have been played by the target audience, we can see the game being played by gameplay videos and decide if we should buy the game.
The official website for the game attracts the target audience by embedding a video which shows all the features and new concepts added to the new Need For Speed series and scrolling down the page they give a paragraph of summary to tell the target audience what has been included to the game as further down are snap shots of the game such as a cop car drifting while chasing a racer in the background and 3 more pictures of cars of a cop chasing a racer in a high speed pursuit, a For Mustang driving at top speed and a Bugatti cop car drifting with the labels "Watch now," "Buy now" and "Drive now."
Interesting aspects used on the official website is that the images used are not made but actually taken from someone playing the game so that shows how advanced next-gen has become that these images are not drawn. Also they update their website instantly when something new occurs involving the game such as a DLC pack from the new Need For Speed movie or new cars that would be soon available.
The next-gen game does have a YouTube channel, which is called "Need for Speed." The channel has created over 500 videos and has over 300 subscribers.
Examples of user generated are:
Both user generated videos are from next-gen consoles such as the PS4 and the X-BOX 1 as shown on the thumbnails.
Gameplay videos help promote the game by having a random person in the world play the game for free and give their honest opinion on the game by using in-game commentary so his/her viewers could see the proof they have provided via video or disagree with them as they may think differently and want to get or not get the game on totally different reason.
The amount of likes the company Need For Speed has is over 16 million and the game itself has over 28 thousand. The Hashtag used on twitter for the game is #NeedForSpeed and they use the target audience to re-tweet the Hashtag to other people so the word spreads for people to hear and possibly buy the game.
(Note: I am having a little bit of trouble screen grabbing as it appears as a blank image.)
Other creative uses of e-media to promote the game involves a personal fan page for the game or Hashtags on Instagram or even fan mad websites of the game in order to promote the game and spread the word around about how good/bad the game is.
The official XBOX magazine review on Need For Speed Rivals said that this game could've easily taken a wrong turn but Rivals passes inspection on Xbox One with flying colors. Also the official Gamestop magazine give the game an 8 as it is great because Need for Speed: Rivals is very much in the tradition of Hot Pursuit, but that great, familiar gameplay has been infused with enough new elements to make it as thrilling here as it's ever been. However the official Playstation magazine says otherwise as Need For Speed Rivals feels like something you’ve played before.
No, the game has not been on the front cover of any video game magazines as GTA 5 was being release that time and that was big news for everyone so that game would have been on the cover for almost all game magazines.
The game for my case study did have a TV commercial :
Other broadcast features such as gameplay of the game and video reviews as they promote the game to the target audience by giving their personal opinion on it whether it is good or bad and since this game would have been played by the target audience, we can see the game being played by gameplay videos and decide if we should buy the game.
The official website for the game attracts the target audience by embedding a video which shows all the features and new concepts added to the new Need For Speed series and scrolling down the page they give a paragraph of summary to tell the target audience what has been included to the game as further down are snap shots of the game such as a cop car drifting while chasing a racer in the background and 3 more pictures of cars of a cop chasing a racer in a high speed pursuit, a For Mustang driving at top speed and a Bugatti cop car drifting with the labels "Watch now," "Buy now" and "Drive now."
Interesting aspects used on the official website is that the images used are not made but actually taken from someone playing the game so that shows how advanced next-gen has become that these images are not drawn. Also they update their website instantly when something new occurs involving the game such as a DLC pack from the new Need For Speed movie or new cars that would be soon available.
The next-gen game does have a YouTube channel, which is called "Need for Speed." The channel has created over 500 videos and has over 300 subscribers.
Examples of user generated are:
Gameplay videos help promote the game by having a random person in the world play the game for free and give their honest opinion on the game by using in-game commentary so his/her viewers could see the proof they have provided via video or disagree with them as they may think differently and want to get or not get the game on totally different reason.
The amount of likes the company Need For Speed has is over 16 million and the game itself has over 28 thousand. The Hashtag used on twitter for the game is #NeedForSpeed and they use the target audience to re-tweet the Hashtag to other people so the word spreads for people to hear and possibly buy the game.
(Note: I am having a little bit of trouble screen grabbing as it appears as a blank image.)
Other creative uses of e-media to promote the game involves a personal fan page for the game or Hashtags on Instagram or even fan mad websites of the game in order to promote the game and spread the word around about how good/bad the game is.